Frequently Asked Questions
Is Mattingly Lawn Care Licensed?
Yes, we are fully licensed by the State of Indiana in the areas of Turf Management and Industrial, Institutional, Structural, and Health-Related Pest Management. Our commercial pesticide business license number is 31609. Our applicators have credentials with the state of Indiana as well; the applicator’s license number always appears on the invoice after each lawn treatment.
Are you insured?
Yes, we are fully insured. Insured means that our company carries liability coverage for personal injuries and property damage, as well as workers’ compensation insurance. This simply means that if anything is broken or an employee is injured while working on your property, our insurer will cover the costs.
Do I have to sign a contract?
No, we do not have signed contracts with our residential customers. You can cancel our program at any time by calling or writing us. If you pre-pay for a season’s services and cancel, you will be refunded any applications that were not made.
Billing Inquiries
We are happy to assist you with all of your account inquiries. For you convenience, we also provide online access to your account. With this service you can view account information, check your balances, view and print invoices, view history and future visits, and pay your bill online–we encourage all of our customers to go paperless! Click here to get started.
What if I already have another service and would like to switch, but prepaid them for the year?
If you prepaid with another lawn care company and would like to switch, you may be able call or write them and ask for a refund for any services remaining.
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. You can conveniently pay your bill online with a credit card HERE.
Can I prepay for my services and is there a discount for doing so?
Yes, you can prepay your entire season’s services for the year and in doing so receive a 5% discount. If you would happen to discontinue our services for any reason, we will refund any unused applications. Please email us for a link we can send you to prepay
How safe are the lawn applications?
The products we apply are all EPA registered. They are used in strict compliance to labeled instructions. They are applied by our licensed applicators in accordance with label instructions.
Do I have to be home when I get a treatment?
No, you do not have to be home when a treatment is made to your lawn. After service is completed, we leave an invoice with detailed post treatment instructions.
Can I be called in advance so I know when you are coming?
Yes, we can e-mail or text the day before your scheduled application to let you know we will be in your neighborhood. Be sure to contact us to be notified.
When can my children and pets go on the lawn?
If granular fertilizer is used you may go on the lawn immediately after the application. If liquid weed control is used, we require you to allow the material to dry on the grass before children and pets are allowed on it. The amount of time required will vary with weather conditions. You can always reference the invoice left after each treatment for specific instructions related to that application
How often should I mow my lawn?
Mow when the grass is actively growing and mow often enough so you never cut more than one third of the grass blade each time. Spring is a time when the grass grows rapidly. You may have to mow more frequently than every 7 days at this time so as not to break the “one-third” rule.
Should I mow the same day as a treatment?
If only our granular fertilizer was applied, you may mow immediately. However, if weed control was applied, do not mow your lawn for 24 hours. Your invoice always has detailed information about what we applied and post treatment instructions. As always, do not hesitate to e-mail or call our office if you have any questions.
What do I do with the grass clippings?
If you are mowing regularly and not removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade, clippings can be left on the lawn and will provide a nutrient source to the grass plant as the clippings decompose.
When should I water my lawn?
Lawns should be watered in the early morning beginning after 2 or 3 am. Do not water in the early evening because it encourages increased disease activity in the lawn.
Should I water my lawn after a lawn treatment?
You should refer to the post treatment instructions with the invoice. We leave an invoice after each treatment that details all instructions for watering, mowing, and how long before going on the lawn.
How much should I water?
Ideally, a lawn needs one inch of water per week during the growing season. Be sure to give your lawn enough water to reach the roots of the grass plants (4 to 5 inches deep). A light watering will be of little benefit. A good rule of thumb is to water for about 30 to 45 minutes in each sprinkler location.
I want to plant new grass seed this spring. Can I plant seeds after this treatment, but before the crabgrass begins to grow?
No. The pre-emergent will also stop desired grass from growing. It is generally better to wait until late summer (mid to late August) to plant new grass seed.
How long does it take before weeds are under control after an application?
Visual symptoms of weed control activity on dandelions and other weeds will take about 7 to 10 days and can sometimes be seen sooner depending on the weed control product used and time of year. Total degeneration of the plant will take two to three weeks. Other lawn weeds will take various lengths of time for control, and we will only be able to control lawn weeds present at the time of application. Some “difficult-to-control” weeds will require repeat applications to control.
What are grubs and why should I worry about them?
Grubs are actually the larval stage of a variety of different kinds of beetles, including May and June beetles and Japanese beetles. Adult beetles lay their eggs in the soil in June and July. As these eggs hatch, they develop into the creamy white, “c-shaped” looking larvae. As the larvae grow, they work their way down to the root zone of your lawn where they eat through the roots as they consume organic matter. In late summer and early fall you may notice dead patches of lawn that start to show up. Effective grub control is achieved by preventing their growth into larger larvae. This is achieved by making a preventive grub control treatment one time in the spring. This application is made with our late spring application if one is scheduled. This application provides guaranteed season-long control.
I have moles in my lawn. Does this mean I have grubs?
The presence of moles does not necessarily mean there are grubs in the turf grass. The mole’s main food source is earthworms. The grubs are active only at certain times of the year and the moles will feed on them if they are an available food source. Birds, raccoons, and skunks will do more damage to the lawn in the process of uncovering grubs than the moles will in making tunnels. pulvinar dapibus leo.
What is core aeration?
Core aeration loosens compacted soil, thus increasing the availability of water and nutrients; enhances oxygen levels in the soil, which stimulates root growth; and enhances the activity of thatch-decomposing organisms. This service should be performed in late summer or fall for best results.
What do I do with the plugs on my lawn after aeration?
After aeration your lawn is covered with small plugs or “cores”. Within a couple of weeks, these plugs of thatch and soil will break apart and disappear into your lawn. There is no need to remove them.
Further information about your lawn and its care can be found at the Purdue University turf tips website by clicking the link here.